Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Wherever There’s a Hole, He Fills It


Ephesians 1:23; And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.

Feeling like life has dealt you the wrong hand. Feeling tired and weary all the time. I get it! But don’t give in to the pressures of life – you’re not the sum total of your circumstances. This too shall pass.

Christians are not exempt from trials and tribulations, as a matter of fact, when you know more, you attract more circumstances that will cause you to lean on some faith muscle. And if you don’t have strong muscles, then life will build them for you through tribulations and hard times. But we are not to fall into despair whenever difficulty come knocking at our door.  The strength of Christ within you will push you through those dark times.

When you can’t put the Word of God on in your mind when the storms of life rage, it will become almost impossible to see victory in your circumstances.  This may all be truth that you’ve heard before, the question you ask yourself is when will the pain, and hopelessness go away? You just want to be happy and fill good again, but it’s hard to feel good and sense purpose on your life when you’re in pain.

The pain goes away when you let the love of God in.  How do you let His love in – you surrender your way and let God direct your next steps. When you get tired enough nothing feels good, all excitement leaves your life because you tired of fighting and pushing but let go of all of the negativity is to infuse light into your situation.   Isaiah 40:31 NLT; But those who trust in the lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint.

Light dispels darkness, and Jesus Christ is the light for anyone going through tumultuous situations. As you take your hands off of it all you have no other choice but to let the Lord do the steering.  Swallow your pride and let God take over, take your eyes off of that man and listen to the God speak to you through His word so that you can make good decisions. Stop allowing your feelings and emotions make decisions for you, find new strength in our Lord and Savior, and just like Isaiah says, you will soar high on wings like the eagles. 

He's our strength, when you feel like you can’t go on any longer.  His love will carry you through, and as you take one day at a time, your perspective takes a shift, what you thought was too difficult to overcome becomes more simple to handle. What you thought was over, has new meaning. All you need to feel renewed and invigorated again is a desire to be an over-comer.

Isaiah 57:10; You grew weary in your search, but you never gave up.  Desire gave you renewed strength and you did not grow weary.

Desire will light a fire under anyone – because within that one word is a multitude of possibilities behind it.  You have to feed your mind, soul and spirit the right stuff, because if you have folks that are depending on you to get it together, you have to be in the right frame of mind at all times.  You can’t afford to slip into despair, you can’t afford to let all those balls you’ve been keeping in the air fall to the ground.  If you are the champion God says you are, then fight the good fight through faith.  It doesn’t take the faith of a mountain to get you through a mole hill of situations.  

You are more than a conqueror in EVERY situation.  If God didn’t think you were, HE wouldn’t have declared it in His word.  God is not like human beings that He should lie, He’s our Heavenly Father that only wants exponentially the best for you.  It just takes you to believe it to be so and watch those dark days turn into sunny ones.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. 

“Wherever There's a Hole, He Fills It”, written by Kim for https://rescuefromdomesticviolence.blogspot.com© 2020. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


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