Tuesday, December 1, 2020

From God’s Mouth to My Ears

Isaiah 55:6(NLT)
“6 Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near.”

“Leave it to God, let Him fix-it!”

No one would argue that a broken heart is a very difficult kind of pain to overcome, and the only thing you can think about is trying to soothe it so that you don’t ever feel it again.  Even for me, after my last broken heart, I didn’t want to hear anything about meeting another man. Relationships were to me, just another hurdle in life that I didn’t need. Even though I knew I couldn’t remain in solitude forever, I was nervous about meeting someone new.  The thought of having to possibly take a chance with my heart being broken was too much for my mind to conceive.

I remember the very first time I felt heartache. I was fourteen years old. No one could tell me how to fix what was broken inside me – all I knew was that I couldn’t stop crying after I got off the phone with a guy that said he didn’t want me to be his girlfriend. Oh, how crushed I was. I can remember it just as if it were yesterday. My grandmother was a very wise and compassionate woman. Her husband abandoned her when all her children were still very young. Two of her children died tragically when they were in their early twenties, so she knew a thing or two about heartache. When she said to me, “Leave it to God, let Him fix it!”, the heft of her confidence in Him soothed my soul. I knew when my grandmother spoke those words, it was spoken from God’s mouth to my ears.

At fourteen, God healed my heart, and He has done so through my adult years as well. I now know that after praying to Him, and surrendering my heart to Him, the next thing to do is to go to His Word for comfort and solace, because His Word is the truth, and it nourishes us. Seeking God diligently means that we spend time getting to know Him through His Word. It is the best source to know God’s nature and love. There is real power in knowing what God has to say on any subject. He tells us in John 8:32 that His truth will make us free.

Isaiah 55:6 instructs God’s people to seek Heavenly Father while we can find Him. When I first read this, I was very bothered by it. Knowing firsthand of God’s healing and soothing power, I can’t imagine life without it. So, I thought how terribly bad off we would be if we tried to find God and He could not be found. But Isaiah 55:6 is really zeroing in on the condition of our hearts. God never separates Himself from us, but we can be so wrapped up in our emotions that we separate ourselves from Him. Some of us have a lot of doubt when it comes to His healing and restorative power, and our lack of faith separates us from Him. We might think, “I can’t see how reading His Word will change my situation or do anything for me, so I’m not going to read it.” This is unbelief, and it is the exact opposite of how believers are commanded to conduct themselves. God’s Word is a spiritual book, and we are spiritual beings. When we connect with God’s Word, our spirits are nourished and fed in an indescribable way. We desperately need this nourishment.

The Bible contains the Words from God’s mouth, and its truth is the only remedy for the rawness of pain that many of us experience.  God says in Isaiah 55:6 that we should seek Him while we can find Him. This lets us know that it is indeed possible to miss Him. If we miss Him, it means our situations can get worse instead of getting better, and it also means that we might miss the opportunity to be changed internally for the better. God makes its very easy to find Him, all we need to do is to read His Word and pray. He never disappoints, and if we come to Him with faith and humility, He will meet us at that place. Through the Lord Jesus Christ, we will find the strength to overcome feelings of heartache and pain. God will infuse us with His love, so that we have the courage to move forward with joy, peace, love, and faith.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“From God’s Mouth to My Ears”, written by Kim for https://rescuefromdomesticviolence.blogspot.com© 2020. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

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