Tuesday, December 22, 2020

If You Search for God You Will Find Him

 Deuteronomy 4:29; NLT;

But from there you will search again for the Lord your God. And if you search for him with all your heart and soul, you will find him.

Seeing up close the actions of a woman pursuing a man can be disheartening and frustrating all at the same time. Not because you don't want the woman to be happy, but you know in your heart, that the woman is looking in the wrong place for her happiness. Pain, disappointment and hurt feelings are all related to their cousin fear. And fear is exactly what triggers the woman to go pursuing her dreams in another human being. Because for the simple reason that our loving Heavenly Father never, ever set-up relationships to cause anyone devastating disappointment. 

I've witnessed up close the pursuits of a woman behind the man she desires to be her significant other. She will go out of her way to ensure he knows he's the object of her affection. She'll call him, text him and will even go to his home if he doesn't reciprocate the actions she believes she deserves. And what is the man doing in return you ask? Exactly what you may be thinking...he ignores her and will overlook her because he knows the woman isn't going anywhere.

This is not the behavior God favors. Nor is it the order that God set as a standard for women to follow. It simply wreaks of desperation from a place of insecurity and a lack of Godly love. But this is the kind of behavior when some women finally cross the path of the man they think is right for them but often they are not meant to be in the relationship for the long haul. 

Too many women lack the patience to wait and see if the person they are with fits with the plan and purpose God has ordained for their life. This means that the woman will not have to ask herself questions that you should already know the answer too. Questions like: How come he doesn't call me, how come I haven't met any of his friends or family and we've been together for months or he never talks about a future with me! 

To stop the frustration and disappointment from ever starting, look for what he does do in the very beginning of getting to know him. Is he consistent with contacting you - is he a man of his word - does he spend quality time with you? These are just little signs to let you know you have something and someone to work with. God can only work with what you give Him. If your expectations are less than adequate, guess what? Adequate is what you can expect.

This is why God requires us to be prepared in our heart and minds to receive someone new in our lives so that we don't become unbalanced by distractions. And this is bound to happen when a new special someone shows up in the picture. Our responsibility and standards is what can be the most attractive attribute about us. You can't slip up or be asleep to your faith in God because everything in our life depends on how firm we will be for God.

We all know that relationships of any kind takes a lot of work. It can be very challenging and very difficult at times, especially after you've put some time into it. We have to remember what takes priority. Will you look for God or will you look for the man to do everything to make you happy? The decision will always be yours to make. But rest assured, when you look for God, all the answers you need, have already been answered. Trust in His love for you enough to take the leap in His direction and He will make sure that your heart stays in tact and fully prepared for the kind of love that's fulfilling and long-lasting.

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