Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Be Ready to Overcome

King Solomon came to a conclusion about life in Ecclesiastes 3:13; he says that people eat, drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor because they are gifts from God. You may wonder, how can you enjoy the fruits of your labor if life has put a whooping on you. Many people that are in abusive or volatile relationships can't feel anything but hurt, anger and pain. But King Solomon's view that is talked about in Ecclesiastes 3:13, details his perspective of the emptiness of life.

King Solomon knew what he was talking about because he'd spent his entire life experiencing and analyzing everything the world had to offer. He'd witnessed so much in his lifetime and in his perspective, life was short and empty, so he believed that folks should enjoy as much pleasure that life could offer while they could. But then again, as you read further in scripture, he contrasted his views in Ecclesiastes 12:1-7; by saying that  in order to really enjoy life, you have to have God at the front and center of everything.

Without God, people merely exist. Interestingly enough, I've noticed men and women get old after spending their youth under the influence of the devil, only to decide in the later spent years to give their life to God. Some people will choose to give the adversary their youthful good years and save their older years and what's left over to God. That's not the way it should ever be. God always deserves the very best in life we can give Him. He's not a leftover kind of God.

If only people suffering under pain of scrutiny and tyranny in relationships knew about the love that God said we deserve, they would understand that when life throws enough tough blows your way, you don't stay down in the dirt waiting to get dirty. You get up and dust yourself off, and take hold to the truth that you are a Child of God. You are meant to enjoy every good thing that God has given us in the earth. Including fulfilling and loving relationships.

Hurtful relationships and experiencing can sometimes be as a result of bad choices. But that's ok too. That's what life is about - learning to grow in love through whatever we have to go through. After you make enough of the wrong choices, you should start to understand, it's time to make good choices so that the rest of your life can start to resemble that of victory.

1 John 4:4 declares, " Ye are of God little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." 

We are God's children, this means we should be able to handle any and all circumstances no matter what it may be. This is sometimes easier said than do, true enough. But in essence, it means the power that is on the inside of us, is powerful enough to get us through some of the toughest times this life can throw our way. Being prepared is the key. It's the inevitable life-saver that can make the difference between becoming lost in a world of pain or being equipped to handle it.  

"Be Ready to Overcome", written by Kim for https://rescuefromdomesticviolence.blogspot.com© 2020. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

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