Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Trust Him to Take Care of You

Matthew 6:26NLT; Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them.  And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?

There’s a world of tension and stress for many Christians surrounding our wants and needs because for many Christians, nothing seems to change, year after year without seeing the kind of results you expect.  It’s a challenge to hear the truth about who we are and then make the changes to become better.  Simply because we are so wrapped up in our earthly selves that pleasing God becomes the furthest thing on our mind. 

God tells us to trust him, and I guarantee you that most Christians have difficulty trusting in something or someone they cannot see.  Do you believe you are worthy and lovable? God says you are.  This is a question we sometimes have to ask ourselves when our behavior speaks otherwise.  Will we trust God, will we trust in His power and in His way?  Our Heavenly Father challenges us to shift our focus off of what we don’t have and consider what He has already blessed us with.  Not that any of us Christians want to be disappointed, but it’s more comfortable to trust what we know than to reach out on faith for the unknown.

Will God really bless me with a good man?  This is what doubting God sounds like in our minds.  If a good man comes along it must mean that it was by chance.  When in truth, God has the ability to cause anybody to find you.  God has the ability to cause all of your financial crisis and instability to fade away.  But it must require us to seek Him first in all that we do, instead of seeking the dollar bill, or our jobs, or even a man, to do all that we need.

Many Christians have a war within themselves on trusting God and His word.  We just have to remember Jesus Christ told us not to worry about a thing – He’s got us! And I know this is still very hard for many of us, no matter how many times we read this verse or here it said. When it comes down to it you will have to make a decision, which one will you be most devoted to.

We still have to remember, God and His word never changes, it’s us that changes.  Jesus Christ would say to us…” Don’t worry if you’re going to be single for the rest of your life – don’t worry about your health, don’t worry about your life!” 

We bring God down to our level without us even realizing it. The truth of the matter is that God can make a rock praise Him, that’s just how little our circumstances really are because there is absolutely nothing that is impossible for God to do or solve in our lives.  The bottom line of what our Lord Jesus Christ tells us to do in Matthew is to seek God’s Kingdom first, and God will take care of it all.  We have to evaluate our attitudes that we bring before God’s throne.

Our Lord and Savior says that he will meet all of our needs according to His riches in Glory.  The problem we face continually is our riches are devoted in the world’s system. If we go without we worry, if we need food we worry, if we lose our job we worry but the citizens of Heaven don’t suppose to do this. Single women worry that they won’t ever get married – they worry will God ever bless them with someone to love them enough that will want to spend the rest of their lives with them.  Not to worry – as Jesus Christ asked the question “Aren’t you far more valuable to God.”

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