Thursday, December 30, 2021

Your Journey to God’s Healing


“But Jesus looked at them and said to them,
“With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:16(NKJV)

Trudy started smoking when she was 15 years old. She’s 62 now, and still hasn’t kicked the habit. Instead, she’s added a few more vices that she wouldn’t exactly call addictions, but others would. She drinks, but only at night; two or three glasses of wine, or how ever many it takes for her to get to sleep. And sleep doesn’t come easy. Her days are filled with occupation and care for others. She’s so loving and giving, and people adore her. Her nights are a completely different story. She dreads the late hours. Thoughts of how severely she was abused by her late husband crowd her mind. Without the drinking and self-medicating, she says she’d never sleep.

Married at 18, she divorced her husband years ago, but he abused her well into her thirties. She fought back but it came with a price, one she is paying now with aches, pains, and a weakened body. Trudy came to the Lord in her forties and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into her heart. She’s come a long way spiritually, but she’s erected a barrier around her years of struggle and suffering. If anyone or any situation comes near it, she retreats emotionally and becomes that victim all over again. The walls of fear that she’s put up seem impenetrable, masquerading her pain with a raw cynicism, bitterness, and anger that find their way to the surface at night, despite her best attempts to keep them hidden.

The contrast between her kindness and bitterness speak to the spiritual war within. It reveals how deeply an individual can be impacted by domestic violence and abuse, or any trauma for that matter. It also shows us the gift of free-will and God’s allegiance to allow us to hold on to the things we refuse to surrender to Him. Heavenly Father commands us in Romans 12:2(NLT), “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” God instructs us to change the way we think. This means we must confront thoughts that promote fear and keep us paralyzed. We must be careful observers of our thoughts, and reprogram them to the mind of Christ, where freedom and God’s love run the show.  

Romans 8:37(NLT) declares, “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” In order to have faith in the victory of Jesus Christ, we must believe that we have victory over any issue, vexation, or problem because of what God has done for us through him. Our Master assured us in Mark 10:27 that with God, all things are possible, but the reality is that some people believe it is easier to trust their pain than to believe God. They don’t want to hear this talk about changing their thoughts if it means they have to dig deep. They become agitated and frustrated by the notion of confronting their fears. It seems grueling to them to do so, because that fear is a demon that’s made itself cozy for a very long time.

The truth is that when our hope is firmly placed in God through Jesus Christ, this hope can’t help but to propel us into our destinies. Jesus Christ said in John 8:32 that the truth will make us free, and the truth is that Christ has given us liberty through his sacrifice on the cross. When he died, our old lives died with him. When God resurrected Christ from the dead, we were resurrected also. Romans 6:7(NLT) declares, “For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin.” This is the truth, and it’s not possible for another person to believe it for us. We have to believe it for ourselves. We must decree it with all the glory of heaven we can muster. Truth must take hold of us to this degree, so it can fill all our empty and broken places.

Domestic violence and abuse is a stark contrast to freedom, and this stumps a lot of us. But the reality of freedom is alive in us through the life of Christ! It is more our truth than any trouble we’ve endured, because we have his Spirit living inside us. Noah was mocked when he built the Arc and told others that torrential rain would flood everything, but rain did come, and as always and in every situation, God’s truth prevails.

God can do anything. We must break out of the prison that keeps us from trusting this. Trudy had not daydreamed about her freed self. Nor had she imagined her glorified self. She rebelled against the notion of even an introduction. So fearful of life outside her walls, she made relationships and people fit into her compact life, so she could control everything. There are many of us that live this way, or we withdraw and isolate because of the pain we’ve experienced in life. We become extremely sad, feeling hopeless and powerless, and the shame of it makes us feed our weaknesses in the shadows. Many of those that are Spirit-filled know better than to contemplate suicide, but because of the pain and disappointment in their lives, they do wish they were not alive or had not been born. God doesn’t want any person feeling this way. He wants us to know and accept the help and healing He offers through Christ!

The Spirit of life is in us! There is no remedy in a bottle or addictive substance. Our solution is the Lord Jesus Christ and all that he has made available to us! We should be learning how to receive his spiritual medicine through patience and faith in him. Anger and fear of everything cannot be the predominate expression of our lives. These two disintegrate joy, and survivors of domestic violence and abuse know this from experience. The only way to not repeat the pain of the past is to give it over to the One who holds our tomorrows. We must be willing to open our eyes wide and our hearts even wider to Him. There is frustration, tears, and sorrow involved, there always is with release, but the journey to God’s healing and to walking in His wholeness is more worth it than we can imagine. He leads and we follow, this is the key, and it never fails to unlock the door. If we humbly submit ourselves to God in faith, we’ll patiently endure as He reveals the truth we’ve refused to see, and His light and love will flood our dark places.■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

 “The Journey to God’s Healing”,written by Kim for© 2021. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. 

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