Monday, August 30, 2021

Come Quickly, Lord


 Psalm 143:7-10(NLT)

“7 Come quickly, LORD, and answer me, for my depression deepens. Don’t turn away from me, or I will die. 8 Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. 9 Rescue me from my enemies, LORD; I run to you to hide me. 10 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing.”

“Lord, I need a rescue, it’s a now or never kind of urgency.”

 Right now, it’s a now-or-never kind of urgency with many of God’s children. This is how desperate they believe things are, and they want to see Him move quickly in their lives. Just the other day I was talking to a good friend, and she felt overwhelmed with the condition of her life and the state of the world around us. “I feel like I can’t handle hearing any more bad news.” It’s tempting to let ourselves sink in an emotional pit in the middle of all this chaos and confusion, but we must do all we can to resist the urge. God has equipped His people with His Word so that we’re prepared for uncertainties in life. The opportunity to choose to believe God is continually before us, and as His children, we must demonstrate that our faith in Him is stronger than the conditions we face.

Throughout Biblical history, the records of men and women of faith paint a portray for us. It shows us that our level of faith today may not be enough to meet the requirements of tomorrow. God commands us to continually grow in Christ so that we are well equipped in the spiritual weapons He has provided. He tells us in Ephesians 6:11(NLT), “Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.” This is a choice. Either we can put on all the armor that God has provided, or we won’t. He will not pressure us, but we can clearly see for ourselves that times are becoming increasingly more perilous. To seek refuge in God, we need to put His Word in our minds and hearts, so that our faith in Him is strong and continues to grow.

2Timothy 3:15-17 The Message(MSG) states, “There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.” Jesus Christ told us there would be many troubles and tribulation in the world, but he said in John 16:33(NLT), “But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” We must ask ourselves how he did it. How did Jesus Christ overcome the world? The answer, he did it by putting the Word of God in his mind and heart.

If there is anyone that would have been exempt from studying the Word of God, it was Jesus Christ, but the truth is that he was not exempt and studied it every opportunity he received. Even as a child, Luke 2:46 tells us that he was in the temple, dialoguing with religious teachers. He was listening to them as they taught, and he asked them questions. He wanted to know as much as he possibly could about our Heavenly Father. At a time when there were no computers, cell phones, or hand-held Bibles available, he applied himself to take full advantage of whatever means necessary to learn the Word. Jesus Christ is our example, and you and I should have this same persistence and dedication when it comes to God’s Word.

Our Heavenly Father doesn’t cause tribulation and troubles, but life is packed with them. Romans 5:3 tells us that tribulation teaches us endurance, and endurance leads to patience. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit, and it is a requirement for every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. We must patiently wait on God’s rescue, trusting and believing that He will do what He says and keep His promises. We get upset because He is not on our timetable. All of us want God to come quickly with the answer to our prayers, but often we haven’t quickly responded to the things He’s told us in His Word. He doesn’t hold this against us. We must trust that He knows exactly what we need when we need it. Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:8 that God knows what we need before we even ask. None of us deserve the tremendous blessings that He has bestowed upon our lives. He doesn’t bless us because we’re so good. He blesses us because He is so good!

God teaches us very necessary spiritual lessons of faith through our tribulation and troubles. Rather than running to the quickest route to pleasure, we need to be patient in prayer, with faith that God hears us and will answer our prayers. Doubt is one of our biggest enemies. It causes us to move out of the love of God and into thoughts, feelings, and actions that work against us rather than for us. This is all because we have not taken the time to read and study God’s Word.

God’s Word is power! It is alive, and it is our bread of life. Understand that our lives quickly fall apart when we are not rooted in God’s truth. Heavenly Father tells us in Colossians 2:6-7 that we must walk in the example of Christ, and we are to be rooted and grounded in him. To be rooted and grounded in Christ, God’s Word must be deeply imbedded in us, and we must wear it like a second skin. God doesn’t ever want us to be unhappy, distressed, or depressed. He wants us to come to Him with all our troubles. We will witness the power of His Word in our lives as we increase our faith in Him and walk more confidently in the example of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“Come Quickly, Lord”, written by Kim for© 2021. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior


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