Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Correction Is Good Medicine


“I’ve buried my face in the sand and let my fears run my life!" 

This is what a single mother, told me the other day as she struggled to figure out how she was going to pay her mortgage.  Her husband abandoned her and the kids a few years ago, after admitting that he had never gotten over his first wife.  Admittedly, she knew even before they said “I do”, that her husband wasn’t completely over his ex-wife, but she loved him very much and she had never been married before, so she took a chance on the love she felt in her heart over the constant red flags, her now husband had shown to her. 

As women, we do this all the time – we over-look what is so apparent to us for the sake of being loved.  We forget that God has an anchoring of love so deep for His daughters’ that he wants our hearts to be overwhelmingly fulfilled, much more than we could ever imagine.  


If we take the time to reflect, we’ll remember those instances when God sent someone in our paths to slow us down.  It could have been a word that we heard at Sunday service or a word of wisdom spoken to you when you asked questions about whether you should continue dating the man you love, or more distinctly, it was the indwelling Holy Spirit nudging you at the quietest times when you were alone. The point is, we can never over-look when the answer we seek is right in front of us. 

The single mother is not alone, so many women allow their fears of being alone or without love, to be their measuring stick for making decisions.  The easy way out is to suppress what you fear the most in hopes that if you don’t pay it any attention, it will simply go away. But the real truth is, un-resolved fear will only show up in another area of our lives until we are face it and ask God to heal you.   

Proverbs 3:11-12 also gives us instruction on how God corrects us out of the abundance of love that He has for His children…11; My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. 12; For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.


When we veer off the path of Godliness, pain, disappointment and hurt will be the result and for many women, it shows up in what we pay attention to the most – our personal relationships.  Our Heavenly Father corrects us so that we can get our lives back on track, just as any loving father would do for His children that are struggling or hurting.  

Praise God for his correction. He wants us to have a good life, He wants us to have the very best of everything, but just like a loving parent disciplines their child out of love, God does the same thing for us. In those moments when you feel lost, abandoned or that life is out of control, cry out to our Lord and Savior and allow the peace of his love hold on to you.

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