Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Nothing Is Too Big for God


Got a call from a close relative who had just gotten off the phone with one of her closest friends.  What she described was the making of a devastating decision based on a blow to the heart.  Her friend called her after she found out that her nineteen-year old daughter was pregnant.  That was not the part that was upsetting, it was the fact that her youngest daughter, not only kept the pregnancy from her, but that she had confided in others that she felt unloved, and unwanted.  To add insult to injury, she told her mother she was moving out of her home to live with the mother of her unborn child’s father.

“I felt betrayed by my own daughter, because everything I’ve ever done was to make sure my children were always loved and provided for.”  These were the words of a mother broken-hearted by her child.  She immediately went home and disbanded her daughter’s room, and said she never wanted to see her daughter again. 

Feelings of betrayal cut deep to the core, there’s no question about it.  Whether the hurt came from your husband, significant other, or your own child, all you can think about is the pain.  Your emotions are so revved up that you can hardly see straight. Every day we have circumstances all around us that can easily cause us to get angry or become stressed out over but when we focus on is that we can never allow an individual this much power over your life.  We have the power to shape and mold our existence no matter what we face in life.  Nothing is too big for God and if we’re following after his plan and purpose, we can have every assurance that He’s got our backs through it all.

No doubt, pain is pain and hurt is hurt. It’s how we respond to those stimuli, that shapes and molds us as people.  How do you handle problems or situations that are completely out of your control?  Will you become rocked and shaken over what you have no authority over or control?  One very vital truth that I learned years ago – never react to a situation, take it all in, process it in the moment, keep your words to a minimum and if at all possible, remain silent until you’re able to process the information rationally.

There are countless women that confess they can’t help the way they feel and if words are said that cut deep, oh well! Christian women who say they love the Lord, should learn to watch the words that come out of their mouths, not only words, but the way in which we handle uncontrollable situations.  God tells us in His word that our words have power – so much so, we can yield death and life by just the words we speak. 1 Peter 3:10, tells us that Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech.  Colossians 4:6; Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

This verse has always spoke volumes about how I handle my emotions.  Simply for it validates the truth of how we as women should navigate through the thoughts and intents of our hearts. We are such emotional creatures that we learn behavior very young that associates pain and hurt with crying and tantrums.  This is not the behavior or mentality of a Kingdom child of God.

We can’t just seek God out when our life starts to unravel, or when tragedy knocks at your door. We have to see Him as our protector, our refuge, our everything. Just like a lot of women want to view their man as their rescuer, God desires that place in our hearts and minds. When we put our focus on Him, we then become delightful in our intimate relationship, and that’s all our Heavenly Father wants from us, is for us to seek Him out above all things and not put another individual in His place.

How comforting it is to know that when you call out, God will comfort and protect us just as a mother would protect her child from danger, how much more will God do for us.  He is omnipotent, and He is our defender, comforter and shield from the evils of this world, and He’s not like human beings that will fail us every time – God can’t fail us. He watches over us through people in our lives, or any means necessary. And we don’t ever have to worry that help will not come, for He is always with us. Just like we can never take our eyes off of Him, He doesn’t take His eyes off of us.



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