Tuesday, November 28, 2023

God Has Done It Before and Will Do It Again

Deuteronomy 7:16-18 (NLT) 
“You must destroy all the nations the Lord your God hands over to you. Show them no mercy, and do not worship their gods, or they will trap you. Perhaps you will think to yourselves, ‘How can we ever conquer these nations that are so much more powerful than we are?’  But don’t be afraid of them! Just remember what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all the land of Egypt.”

These past years have been tough for a lot of people, and many of them are allowing challenging times to injure their faith. They are reacting with uncontrolled anger and outbursts that betray the example of Jesus Christ. Others are internalizing the anger, and it’s making them ill emotionally, mentally, and physically. When our understanding of the truth about God doesn’t exceed the knowledge of our troubles, our minds can sink to thoughts of doubt and unbelief. Our hearts become disappointed and grieved because we don’t trust God enough to raise our level of faith above those thoughts and feelings of sadness. We need to know that this is a condition that can be turned around if we are willing to change the way we think. 

God tells us in Romans 12:2(NLT), “Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” The first part of this verse is very instructive for us because our Heavenly Father is telling us what we shouldn’t do. He’s also letting us know that society’s behaviors and customs can be very destructive to our faith and relationship with Him. 

The world, or society, can be very negative and chooses for the most part to deny and reject God’s love and light. It shuns the things He values and loves the things He forbids. The world is a very confusing and chaotic place and if the thoughts and feelings that promote confusion and chaos find their way into our hearts and minds, we can start to go backward and instead of forward. 

Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. So, wherever the Word of God is trusted and believed, faith hangs out there, and this is extremely important information for us to know. We can’t do anything without faith. If we’re sitting down, it takes faith to get up. If we’re walking, it takes faith to run. From the smallest to the greatest detail of life, every component runs on faith. Our victory and success depend on it, and this should motivate us to increase our faith in God and to do everything we possibly can to preserve our faith in Him. 

When that doesn’t happen–when we’re at a standstill in our faith and we’re not doing what is necessary to preserve it, our minds and hearts are impacted. A lack of faith opens the door for sadness, doubt, insecurity, disappointment and other kinds of negativity to come in and make themselves at home. Whether or not they stay at home in our hearts and minds is completely left up to us. 

In the Old Testament, the backdrop for Deuteronomy 7:16-18 speaks to the promise that God made to His people to give them a promised land. It’s clear to us from reading this passage that they couldn’t sit back with their hands tucked beneath their laps and do nothing. He commanded them to do what was necessary to take possession of the land and to take it by faith. Even though they were outnumbered and lacked the power of the other nations, they had to trust and believe God for victory. We must do the same, and the way that we get this done is to renew our minds to God’s Word and think thoughts that are in line with it. 

Repeatedly, God backed His people and gave them victory and success. When it comes to causing the ones He loves to overcome adversity and obstacles, He’s done it before, and He’ll do it again. He receives the glory, and His name is magnified when we triumph and believe to receive all that He has in store for us. We might look at Deuteronomy 7:16-18 and think to ourselves, “Well, that was the Old Testament. God doesn’t show His power like that anymore.” Our Heavenly Father said in Malachi 3:6(NLT), “I am the LORD, and I do not change."  We change all the time, but our Heavenly Father never changes. So, we need to be confident that when we kick out thoughts of doubt and negativity and change the way we think, God will turn things around so that our circumstances and conditions begin to mirror our high opinion of Him and His power and love. 

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

"God Has Done It Before and Will Do It Again”, written by Kim for https://rescuefromdomesticviolence.blogspot.com© 2023. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

God Is Always Ready to Help

Psalms 91:1(NLT)
"God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble."

For many women, getting out of an abusive relationship is not so easy. Every woman that has overcome emotional, physical, or verbal abuse has a different story to tell, and you’d be surprised to hear that there are large numbers of women that have suffered in silence since childhood. Their lifelong trauma started with childhood, watching their mothers or close relatives endure abuse. Without prayers and an invitation to the Holy Spirit for the healing work of our hearts, minds, and souls, many of us repeat the patterns we’ve learned from childhood. We sometimes end up in relationships that cause us to repeat the cycle of abuse that we witnessed in our past.

Growing up in a household where domestic violence and abuse was common can register somewhere in our minds as a normal occurrence, even though it’s far from it. In the Word of God, there are examples of individuals who developed certain insecurities as a result of family dynamics that existed in their childhoods. These kinds of things affect us in ways that we can’t completely understand. This unresolved pain sits within and can steer our thoughts, actions, and attitudes without us being conscious of it. Pain of any kind is not a natural state. Because some of us have experienced deeply emotional pain from abuse at some point in our lives, resentment and bitterness about it can fester. We lean towards pessimism and doubt rather than being transformed by faith in God’s love, promises, and power.

God tells us in 2Corinthians 3:17(NLT), “For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” When emotional pain dominates our internal reality, at some point, it's going to show up externally, but this is not what God wants for His children. He knows our pain and wants us to turn to Him for help. God is always ready to help, and He offers us freedom from pain, but we must recognize that the work of the Spirit of going to change us. To live free, our minds, hearts, and souls must be surrendered to our Heavenly Father, so that He can transform us into the people He created us to be.

Jesus Christ said in John 10:10(NKJV), “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have [it] more abundantly.” God wants us to have a good life, a more than abundant life. He not holding us back. Often there are things at work within that hinder our faith and keep us from the life God wants us to have. He tells us in His Word that the way to handle this is to renew our minds to what He says. Romans 12:2(NKJV) tells us, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” To renew our minds is to change the way we think so that our thoughts line up with God’s Word.

When we desire our situations to change, it begins with us. Even the smallest step we take towards this is rewarded, because it means we are making a step towards having greater faith in God. He instructs us on how to help ourselves in a way that partners with His efforts to deliver and heal us. This requires that our hearts and minds are moving in the same direction that He is, and God is always moving in the direction of the truth of His Word. He’s rooting for us to do the same.

God is always completely and totally willing to come to our aid when we seek Him earnestly. He delights in helping us overcome the adversities we endure in life. Everyone has struggles and things they are trying to get over, and we must come to the realization that we can’t do it alone, and we were never meant to. We move out of our own way and do ourselves the greatest good when we have faith in God, and we trust that by placing our faith in Him, all things are possible, as Jesus Christ said in Mark 9:23. Give yourself as much time and space to heal and be better as you did to develop and learn in any other aspect of your life. You can rest assured that as you read and study God’s Word and trust in His instruction and guidance for your life, you are headed to becoming stronger, wiser, and better than you ever imagined. ■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 

"God Is Always Ready to Help”, written by Kim for https://rescuefromdomesticviolence.blogspot.com© 2023. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Firmly Planted in God’s Hands

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”

This passage in Proverbs is such a pinnacle of Godly wisdom, especially for those of us living today. Our modern advances have given us false confidence, and many individuals think they don’t need God’s help, but nothing could be further from the truth. I marvel sometimes when I look at how well my daughter is doing with her class work. Not long ago, she needed my help with everything, and now she can do it on her own with little or no assistance. She enjoys the challenge of trying to figure things out on her own, but there are times when she still needs my help, and I’m always there for her. God is a better parent than any of us will ever be. We’re His kids, and He loves us. He wants each of us to grow up and mature in Christ, and He also wants us to know that He is always there for us as well. 

Colossians 3:3-4(NLT), tells us, “3 For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.” When we give our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ and make him the head of our lives, we die to our old unsaved life. Christ gives us new life through the Holy Spirit, and we become a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 

In this new life that God made possible through the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ, we have victory not just in a few areas, but in every aspect of life. Romans 8:37(NLT) declares, “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” No matter what we go through, none of it can separate us from God’s overwhelming and limitless love for us all. This makes us victorious in every way, and we must place our trust and faith in God and in what He’s given us. Our confidence should continually be in our Heavenly Father’s provision, protection, and power, because as His children, we’re firmly planted in His hands come what may. 

The times are too perilous, and life is too unsteady for us to think we can handle everything on our own. We need God every moment of each day, and it is only because of His grace that we are alive this very moment. When we follow His Word and live according to the example of Jesus Christ, we will reap the benefits, but when we step out of God’s guidance, life can turn on us very quickly. 

A good friend went through a difficult season in her life recently, and it was because she didn’t seek the Lord with all her heart and allow Him to direct her path. Her fiancé accepted a job out-of-state, and in order to keep their relationship intact, she quit a job with excellent pay and benefits and relocated with him. Neither of them consulted the Lord for direction and wisdom. After three months, her fiancé ended the relationship. Her new position didn’t pay anywhere near what she was making at her old job, and she struggled to make ends meet. Eventually, she moved back to her home state and now feels ashamed, angry, and full of resentment and regret.

The psalmist said in Psalms 94:18-19(NLT), “I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me.  When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” Life can overtake us in less time than a blink of an eye, but when our assurance is in God’s unfailing love, we are never left with shame or resentment. Rather than taking matters into our own hands, we must trust that we are firmly planted in God’s hands through Jesus Christ. During those times when we make mistakes that cause us to lose direction, momentum, and stamina, through our faith in Him, our Heavenly Father can turn those around and use them for our good. 

One step away from the path of God’s righteousness can lead to disastrous circumstances, and He doesn’t want this for any of us. Our mistakes should teach us that it’s absolutely essential to follow God’s Word and live through Jesus Christ. When we do, our victory is guaranteed. So, the very best thing that any of us can do for ourselves is to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on your own understanding. All the technology and modern advancements in the world can’t repair a broken heart. Surrender your will to God’s Will. Every day give everything over to Him and allow Him to lead you through His indwelling Holy Spirit. God loves us so much, and through His grace and mercy, He will keep your feet from falling when your hands are firmly planted in His. 

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

"Firmly Planted in God's Hands”, written by Kim for https://rescuefromdomesticviolence.blogspot.com© 2023. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

No Discipline is Enjoyable

Hebrews 12:11(NLT)
“No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening – it’s painful!  But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.”

My dear friend, Maggie, is a lovely Christian woman, and she reached out to me about a situation she’s dealing with. She’s always been obsessive about avoiding the discomfort of rejection and embarrassment, and I’m sure many of us can probably relate to this. Maggie met someone new a few months prior, and they’d been enjoying conversations and an occasional meet up for lunch or dinner. She really liked him, and when she offered to take him out to dinner for his birthday, he reluctantly accepted. He told her it wasn’t necessary, but she insisted and made elaborate plans. She thought that surely, he would be so taken with her loving gestures that he’d want to be more than just friends. That didn’t happen. During their outing, he told her he couldn’t stay out long because he needed to pick up his date. 

Maggie was heartbroken and humiliated, but she held it all inside. He didn’t seem to have a clue about how hurt she felt. Maggie expressed to me that she couldn’t believe she was in this situation yet again. She was shocked to be blindsided to such a degree that she’d expend time, energy, and resources on a man that didn’t see her the same way she saw him. Exasperated and hurt, she said to me, “I have a great career, nice home, I’m attractive, I don’t have a lot of baggage, and I’ve always been told I’m fun to be with. So what gives?”

All of us have disappointments and hurts, especially when it comes to relationships, but when we notice that we have a pattern of having unreasonable expectations and acting prematurely, we need to shine the spotlight on ourselves. Our first point of action should be to spend some quality time with the Father in prayer. All of us assume we know ourselves very well, but the truth is that only God knows our hearts. He knows us inside out, and our humility about this is required. 

We don’t always know why we jump to conclusions or have fantasies about people and romance that are unrealistic, but God knows, and we need to ask Him about it in a way that conveys we’re willing and ready to accept what He says. Sometimes we go to God and ask Him to bless us when we haven’t demonstrated any readiness to handle what we’ve asked to receive. Without having wisdom from His Word, we might not understand that the answer He’s giving us will lead us to make some changes. 

Disappointment and heartbreak are not enjoyable, but God will allow the circumstances and consequences of our poor choices to discipline us, so that we stop making the same mistakes and seek Him and His wisdom for instruction, guidance, and direction. Proverbs 4:7 (NKJV) tells us, “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” In this verse, Heavenly Father teaches us that wisdom is the primary thing. It ought to be at the top of our list, and we should pray for God’s wisdom in everything that we attempt to do.

James 1:5 (NKJV) says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” We need to ask God for His wisdom whenever we need it, and we can do so with the confidence that He will not be upset with us for asking. He wants us to do this. And we need to pay attention and be on the lookout for what He reveals through situations, routines, and people we encounter every day. We should deeply desire wisdom. This is especially true when it comes to relationships, because when we’re asking God to bless us with a significant relationship that will lead to marriage, we need wisdom and lots of it. 

Isaiah 40:31(NKJV) tells us, “But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” Our Heavenly Father doesn’t cause our hiccups in life, but in many cases, we should view them as messages that we may have tried to get ahead of Him. We’re being impatient and leaning on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5) instead of waiting on the Lord. His discipline is to get us off the wrong path and put us on the right path. Embarrassment, brokenness, disappointment, and pain are not fun, but they are all temporary when we’re in Christ. God will turn them around. He will use them to prepare us for all the blessings He has in store for our lives if we learn from His discipline and continue to grow in faith. 

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

New King James Version, © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

"No Discipline is Enjoyable”, written by Kim for https://rescuefromdomesticviolence.blogspot.com© 2023. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Your Actions - His Response

I don’t know about you, but while growing up, I heard the saying, “Actions speak louder than words” countless times from my grandmother. I...